WWWalker's Government Portals

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SBR - Standard Business Reporting

In September 2012, we signed a licensing agreement with Australian Treasury to access and use SBR XBRL tools and APIs to write Web services to perform online transactions to reduce redtape burden for business.

Slow support cost us plenty including expensive cloud hosting and delays that led to credit crunch and may kill our business in 2013.

In June 2014 in Brisbane, we were trained in Superstream Web service with ATO. SBR Version 2 was released which is less onerous than SBR Version 1.

ABN Business Search

We created Web services to search and import business data from ABN records of the ATO. This helped us to clean our business records using government data very efficiently and over the Internet, doing due diligence to stop fraud and loss of revenue.

Created: 20 Sep 2012 17:21
Last Updated: 21 May 2024 14:18

WWWalker Web Development Introduction