WWWalker's UK Business

My Site: South Australia | Africa | GDPR Compliance | EU | China | India | Astronomy | Defence | USA

British Standards Institute | Society of Indexers | The Indexer: Web Indexing Prize | Digital Publications Indexing (eBooks) | MACREX Book Indexing Software | Government Publishing and Copyright Reform and Libraries | Astronomy | IT Industry Innovations | Energy | Business | Transport | Defence Contracting | Vodafone | COVID-19 | GFC | EU Brexit / Politics / Energy | Great Opportunity to Invest in UK with Australian Expertise | Computer Illiteracy | BBC Proms for First Time in Melbourne Australia | Festivals | Royal Mail and UK Post Office | British Leyland Cars / MG Rover Group | Legal | Real Estate / Council Housing | Job Hunting | Past British Empire and now the Commonwealth: 50+ Territories

British Standards Institute (BSI)

BSI publishes ISO including ISO:999 the standard on indexing. ANZSI has 2 people on working group revising ISO:999 in October 2016.

Society of Indexers

In 1998, we visited an indexer and some relatives in Kent. We felt right at home as my grandmother is from London. London is a bustling city. I visited Buckingham Palace's gate, Westminster and Greenwich. I went in the Tube which I loved and popped up at Covent Garden and went to a cheap stage show. The Victoria and Albert Museum was very good. UK loves the arts.

I felt England's St Pauls was less glitzy than Rome's St Peters and the locals appreciated intelligence compared to Australia where people push intelligent people out of the way and don't give credit for smart people. The Guardian, a UK paper, had high quality editorials compared to average quality in the Sydney Morning Herald or The Age. I also like the BBC Website for online news.

UK is very dear to visit from Australia so I could only stay a few days. UK know they are popular so they bump the price up to cash in on tourism.

The Indexer: Web Indexing Prize

I subedited The Indexer in 1996-98 when I was Webmaster of the Australian Society of Indexers (AusSI). I wrote several editorials on the AusSI Web Indexing Prize I created to help promote Web indexing in Australia and worldwide. The editor of The Indexer always let me write up a summary of entrants and the details of the winner.

The Indexer still has strong links to Web indexing as evidenced in the March 2012 issue. I feel my efforts in 1998 proved fruitful via The Indexer's publicity and education in Web indexing.

Digital Publications Indexing (eBooks)

Web indexing all folded in September 2016 when shift was made from Web indexing to digital publications when American Society for Indexing renamed their Web and Electronic Indexing SIG as Digital Publications Indexing SIG old site when I was Webmaster via a poll of members. SI now have Publishing Technology Group of Society of Indexers (PTG) which focuses on ebook indexing. PTG collaborates with new ASI Digital Publications Indexing SIG. There are several members of SI in the ASI Digital Publications Indexing SIG.

MACREX Book Indexing Software

Since ISC/CSI Online Indexing Conference in Canada in June 2022 which I attended where I heard MACREX talk by Do Mi Stauber the MACREX rep from USA, I started using MACREX book indexing software for free from UK.

Hilary Calvert (UK) wrote, maintains and supports MACREX. I also knew Drusilla Calvert Hilary's wife who also wrote and supported MACREX till she passed away. Gale Rhoades MACREX support in USA also passed away so Do Mi Stauber took over Gale's support role.

MACREX is tricky to use at first but is a powerful useful Windows/MSDOS indexing tool. It does not have a fully Windows GUI but still has DOS interface so knowledge of menus, keystrokes and function keys is vital.

I found MACREX support via email to Do Mi Stauber:

Government Publishing and Copyright Reform and Libraries

In 2008, I was sacked by a scientific publisher for setting up an internal Wiki to improve group collaboration and efficiency because I did not get permission to set it up from a scientist in Brisbane and he saw it as a time-waster which is a load of rubbish. Chaotic collaboration is OK. People do make money out of it and the greedy types who keep information to themselves are blocking this reform. It just shows you Britian is smarter than Australians re use of Wiki-style collaboration tools.


IT Industry Innovations

The Computer Chronicles - High Tech Scotland Part 2 (1996) - gaming, smart home, incubators, software companies, debugging tool, Cray, parallel processing (Uni of Edinburgh), AI, mining transport scheduling, defence logistics, traffic congestion analysis, green laser, optical computers, remote control software


EAN (Energy Networks Association) UK


Energy price cap: Households face annual bills of more than £3,500 from October 2022

Energy Market


Steelworks Investor

GFG Alliance bought Arrium Steelworks in Whyalla South Australia and saved town from extinction in August 2017.

GFG Alliance also rebuilt UK steel industry using renewable energy.

Chairman Gupta is from India where his family had a bicycle factory.


Addison Lee London minicabs Chairman John Griffin - inspiring interview - use SatLab GNSS receiver for GPS

Defence Contracting

In July 2022, ADSTAR 2022 hybrid conference in Sydney Australia had UK MoD people present or via Zoom.

In September 2021, when Australia cancelled French built Future Submarine Project, Australia, UK and USA formed AUKUS alliance to build nuclear-powered submarines for Australia. This lost Australia $5Bn AUD in cancellation fee. UK build and operate nuclear powered submarines so will contribute with USA to building Australian nuclear-powered submarines and collaborate with Australian submarine shipyards in Osborne, Adelaide, Australia.


I use Vodafone in Australia which is a very poor quality carrier - cheap and nasty. They lost 300,000 customers in Australia in 2011 due to poor quality service. Vodafone is based in the UK and has a huge customer base in the UK where people are text and mobile mad. By 2012, Vodafone had lost 550,000, they have such poor service. Telstra and Optus are much better as they invest in equipment.


In January 2022 PM Johnson had secret party at Downing Street for staffers while everyone else had to stay at home under lockdown. This lying caused downfall of him as PM in July 2022.

From March 2020 onwards, due to COVID-19 UK had high death rate and several lockdowns which killed economy. UK Government spent millions getting NHS and vaccinations going and propping up economy with furlough (paid leave to stay at home).


In 2011, Blackrock and Bank of Scotland had to be bailed out by the Bank of England. In 2012, LIBOR risky dealings by RBS led to it being fined 300M pounds when caught by the regulator (FSA).

EU - Brexit / Politics / Energy

Since 1972, UK is part of the EU except for Euro so they can rise above or starve outside the current meltdown in 2012. In 2016, UK left the EU.

Great Opportunity to Invest in UK with Australian Expertise


Australians are honoured as quality workers in UK, so if I created a branch in the UK, I could lift the standards!

Sir Richard Branson who started Virgin Australia and brought diversity to the airline industry in Australia is a great inspiration for me.

The Queen is a great entrepreneur in her own way.

London is hosting the 2012 Olympic Games. A huge wifi network has been setup for London during the Olympic Games to allow people to communicate with friends and family while visiting London (£ 400M).

Many elite universities like Oxford and Cambridge have setup hitech incubators nearby to grow industry in Britain. Many of these produce open source software like Xen (competitor to VMWare) for virtualization. Bob Hawke and Tony Abbott, MPs from Australia, were Rhode Scholars in England.

Most of the social reformers like Wilberforce who stopped the Slave Trade were from Great Britain in the 19th Century. Since then things have steadily slid downwards.

Britain had some great preachers like John Stott and Martin Lloyd-Jones.


Workmanship in UK is in general quite low quality. The government seems to not care about high unemployment, dead economic sectors of its country or being more enterprising. There is a class structure that stunts the economy between haves and have nots. UK needs major social reforms to get up to speed like Australia.

UK tends to be very conservative compared to Australia, though they are wise money manages except for the GFC where they were caught out badly by exposure to risk when things went bad in 2008 in USA.

It is amazing UK won World War II as they always seem to be in a muddle with poor education and unwillingness to invest in business or growth and just expect government hand-outs to survive rather than doing some hard work and getting somewhere in life.

Everything in England seems to be about ripping people off and not giving them what they paid for.

England is a poor area compared to other parts of the world which shows in their meanness re money.

Britain needs a lot of prayer and hard work to get it back to its greater glory of 100 years ago in Queen Victoria's days.

Computer Illiteracy

Most English are computer illiterate and will not train themselves or get trained in computer technology. This makes dealing with English very counterproductive re technology and requires much training and hand-holding of them to get the job over the line. Basically I lose money dealing with England because of this lack of training and low educational standards of most of its population.

England needs to make education in IT a priority.

One major evidence of clueless IT companies in Britain is Vodafone who don't know how to fix their network in Australia so lose 300,000 customers in 2011.

Another foul up in May 2017 was British Airways booking system crashing due to only having one data centre and backups failing and 800 flights being cancelled on holiday weekend losing $620M off market value overnight. British Airways outsourced their booking and operations system to Indian IT subcontractors to save money in February 2016 destroying intellectual property edge they had by keeping it British. Britain is very similar to Australia in outsourcing IT to India and destroying local jobs. It stands to reason as Australia was a series of colonies of Britain pre 1901 so we are the same as Britain in many ways in our approach to business and entrepreneurialism losing our edge by not investing and copying everyone else rather than making our own decisions.

BBC Proms for First Time in Melbourne Australia

The famous BBC Proms classical music festival was performed in Melbourne Australia for first time in 13-16/4/16. ABC Classic FM broadcast it which I listened to each night and day.

The normal London Proms is still on in July-August 2016.


Royal Mail and UK Post Office

In Jan 2024, I found there were 2 companies who handle mail in UK:

In 2013, it took 3 weeks for a small screwdriver to be posted airmail from UK to Australia - hopeless service! UK company kept fobbing me off blaming Australia Post. This put me off dealing with UK for online orders as they are too slow.

British Leyland Cars / MG Rover Group

British Leyland Cars | British Car Manufacturing | TV Eye | 1980 - collapse

MG Rover Group

Longbridge - end of days - 2021 - ex MG Rover factory now closed in 2005 with 1.4M pounds debt (50000 unsold cars) - Phoenix Venture Holdings (PVH) / Phoenix Consortium / Phoenix Four acquired MG Rover for 10 pounds in 2000 from BMW (1994-2000) with 500M pounds dowry payment from BMW then went into administration in April 2005 and ran off with 42M pounds and gave 6000 workers 3000 pounds each as redundancy payment short changing the workers due to incompetent management. There were Chinese owners SAIC in 2008-2016 who invested 50M pounds and reopened factory with 180 workers just assembling cars manufactured in China. In 2019 SAIC closed down plant and left small design team in London and moved plant to China. They sold more in China than UK so ignored UK to their peril. Old plant site was demolished and converted into residential and business park. Before SAIC, Tata (India) manufactured Rovers which were not accepted by UK public.

MG Rover Group - Rovers Billion Pound Blunder 2005

Collapse of MG Rover: Documentary - (Chinese Takeover, Phoenix 4, MG Racing) 3/14

The Last Days of Rover 1/09 (BBC) - lack of investment in new models, bad decisions, cutting corners

British Leyland / MG Rover were in Midlands UK, a working class area so very hard to retrain if they lose their jobs as on assembly line and only knew one skill - semi-skilled labour. It shows the danger of not diversifying the market or skills base of major manufacturer and not investing in new technology like robotics till too late when competitors have taken all the business.

My brother had a Mini from 1980 onwards and in 1975 he had a Leyland P76, a Morris 1100 and Austin 1800 in Australia.

All the 4000 suppliers and 2 million staff of British Leyland and its suppliers went under when British Leyland collapsed in 1978 due to competition from overseas.

P76 had many faults like leaky windows. Manufacturing quality was poor and required recalls or repairs to make them roadworthy. P76 went out of business very quickly but was popular although ugly.

For my sister's wedding in 1974 in Bendigo she had 2 P76s for the wedding for bride and bridal party - my brother's yellow P76 and family friend's green P76.


Real Estate / Council Housing

Job Hunting

Past British Empire and now the Commonwealth: 50+ Territories

Created 11 March 2012 12:11
Updated 19 Feb 2025 23:44

WWWalker Web Development Pty Ltd