WWWalker's Clients Portfolio

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See also Portal Details | Types of Jobs | Marketing | Highlights of Business Projects Timeline | Customers by Industry | Countries and States

Dwight Walker, our director, also has visited many states in Australia as well as countries in South-East Asia and Pacific in the 1980s before WWWalker was founded.

Types of Jobs

We do portals, network support, technical writing and publishing work such as indexing and editing and ebook publishing, library consulting and cataloguing, software, mobile apps and music lessons for small to medium businesses, professional groups, government agencies or individuals that do not have the staff and don't want to hire someone full-time and outsource to us to do the job online or with some visits to the site.

We used to write, deliver and publish Web indexing and Linux online training to USA, UK, Canada and Australia but closed that area in 1998 due to copyright infringements of our material undermining our incentive for developing this business. There was no way to stop people buying and distributing our materials for free which gave us no reason to continue. See 'research' for more information.

Many Web development jobs we are asked to do are disaster jobs - jobs that have stuffed up big time and need someone to bail them out. If a person has been through say 4 other developers or been working on a project for 4 years, this is a sign this is a problem job. Also attempts to clone at a much lower price another product is a sign of major underquoting and cost problems ahead. Endless putting off of doing a proper specification is also a sign of major costs head. We are moving away from such risky work in 2008 onwards to save our business losses but it has meant very slow growth as momentum was lost trying to save money. Music has given us a break and kept the wheels turning.

In Orange NSW where we were based from 2005-2007 and 2009 onwards and to a lesser degree in Brisbane from 2008 most jobs are for infrastructure - setting up broadband and networks - and occasionally Websites. It is too primitive in the bush and most people are not even up to scratch with a good internet or mobile connection. Large parts of the outskirts of Brisbane have inadequate internet speed or wireless internet coverage but there is little chance for us to use our Orange experience with wireless internet in Brisbane due to lack of capital.

Canberra is much more sophisticated and smaller so is a good target for our business to do Websites or networking from 2009 till 2013.

Queensland Government launched open data policy in September 2012 to which we have developed transport mobile application using Translink feed in 2013 and salt table helper mobile application using Dept of Natural Resources and Mines groundwater open data in 2014.

IT business has slowed down tremendously since I moved to Brisbane area in 2013 but music teaching has kicked in since 2016.

Customer Base

In 2001 I built several Web portals for small businesses in Western Sydney, NSW, Australia using Linux and Windows languages and database servers. One of these was for a tradesman customer who was much better than white collar businesses as he knew what he wanted and the job stayed on target and I was paid on time and adequately. I made less but lost less so won! The white collar person wanted more than he could afford and was a huge risk to my business so I had to write off extravagance on his part to stay in business.

As of 2004 onwards, our customers have all been Australian businesses and professional societies but in the early days around 1998 we did a lot of business with international professional societies, small businesses, professionals, government agencies, manufacturers, community groups and sometimes consumers in USA, Canada and UK.

That has all ended now due to intense competition and risk since the dot com crash which squashed our industry and dropped prices to difficult levels. We have moved out of community work as it is too risky. We much prefer dealing with businesses and professional societies than consumers as consumers cost too much to service and make us little profit or repeat business and often make a big loss.

In 2007, we did a little exporting to Australians in Indonesia. To grow overseas work, we use cloud infrastructure and upgrade our capabilities to handle the higher demands of overseas companies. In 2010, the Indonesian business had closed due to the Global Financial Crisis.

Since 2005, Australian migrants form a large part of our customer base which has its good and bad points - more energy but more thrifty and risky.

Since 2013, we have used Queensland and NSW open data to create transport, groundwater and robotics mobile apps thus entering the world of big data and data mining to achieve valuable insights into managing agriculture, cultural events and elderly health.


The question everyone asks me is how I get business. It is by word of mouth, White Pages, classified directories and Google. I rarely get business by mainstream marketing - I am a niche player, not a huge mainstream company - a boutique IT service provider.

White Pages listing for my business at my Brisbane registered office led to a customer in Sumner Park QLD in February 2010.

We are not big but what we do we do really well and can beat bigger companies due to much better service - we punch above our weight because we are savvy.

Those that expect us to do everything for them may be sadly disappointed as we are small and cannot pump endless resources into them for a low return on investment like a big company can with their 1000s of customers. We have to be selective and make sure we can do the job, not bust ourselves in the process and make some money out of the deal.

We definitely cannot waste endless money on a customer and get away with it. We have to ditch dead-end jobs. Running a microbusiness is a very disciplined, tight process. We seem to go through a series of new products or services that then die not long after as people lose interest. Internet work is very fickle, with customers chasing each new fad and keeping us on our toes.

Advertising in the paper or Yellow Pages gets me no business to speak of, just tyre-kickers. People are too distrusting of new players. I have to win people's trust by contacting them for a period e.g. emails, phone calls and visits, so it takes months to get a new customer. I get a very low hit rate as most people find I speak too much jargon and go find someone else who can deal with lay people.

Despite this and constant battles with people trying to rip me off, I have survived but have had to compromise sometimes and dig in for the long haul. We are much more successful with more savvy, trustworthy customers of which I rarely find any.

Since 2016, all customers come via our music teacher ad. Web design online ads in Yellow Pages and Pocket Books got no jobs.

Highlights of Business Projects Timeline

1998online IT trainingwe ran a world-first interactive online training course for Web indexing with US clients
1999-2000web developmentwe built large static government and professional society information sites including ANZSPM
2001web developmentwe developed large custom Web portals
2002web developmentwe developed a dynamic WAP site for GPRS mobile phones
2004web developmentwe develop Websites onsite for Queensland and New South Wales customers
2005web developmentwe setup community open source portal on .NET and SQL Server and connected to wireless broadband in Sydney and Orange NSW
2006web developmentwe built a project management system to manage complex and costly network programming and portal projects and mastered moving and rebuilding sites
2007VoiPwe researched the setup a proxy of VoIP service for cheap phone calls from Australia to UAE using open source software on Linux but cancelled due to legal reasons
2007web developmentwe visited onsite businesses in Sydney, Wollongong and Wellington NSW to get jobs moving better and to resolve outstanding issues and used a small office in Wetherill Park, Western Sydney briefly while working in Sydney for 2 weeks but returned to staying in the CBD to service Sydney
2007SEOwe setup 2 Google AdWords campaigns for NSW and Indonesian companies' Websites to increase online business to Australia
2007data importwe imported 1 million records into MySQL using awk and PHP on Linux for a Sydney company overcoming performance and data quality issues on old hardware and dodgy internet connections
2008web developmentwe cut losses in NSW and moved to Brisbane to work as Web developer and tech support and started recapitalising by using our tools for developing sites for our customers that later won us outsourcing sales
2008publishingwe did research on newspaper bibliographies in Canberra at the National Library of Australia to save travelling to all state capitals
2009music lessonswe taught violin in Orange. Music supported IT while more IT jobs were found.
2009web developmentused wifi on a laptop in Sydney and Orange and setup a wifi hotspot in Orange, did bookshop Flash Website with calendar in Canberra
2010library setupcatalogued 3500 books of father's library to research, edit and publish his book better
2010web developmentwinning Brisbane cement mixer manufacturer Website via whitepages listing of new Brisbane registered office led to visit to Queensland in March 2010 to complete it. We imported PDF of "One Blood" by John Harris into Christian History Research (CHR) site in Orange NSW plus marketed the CHR site in Twitter and Facebook.
2010music lessonsIn May 2010, we did some violin lessons in Canberra.
2011web developmentChristian leaders portal maintained by us for Orange customer. Setup Bathurst IT store on eBay. Setup financial comparison portal for Orange customer.
2011library setupSetup library catalogue for community group in Canberra.
2011music lessons2 new violin students including violin repairs and fitting in Orange.
2012library setupfinished setting up then catalogued 1500 book library for community group in Canberra and 300 books for sale in Orange
2013web developmentsetup WordPress portal for Australian medical group for their content management system then assisted in porting the HTML site to it setup member management on Web portal for old Digital Publications Indexing SIG of ASI in USA
2013mobile developmentwrote mobile location-based application using Queensland Open Data Translink public transport feed.
2014web developmentwrote mobile ESL application database backend for Christian university group.
2014mobile developmentwrote mobile salt water helper app for Burdekin canegrowers using Queensland Dept of Natural Resources and Mines open data
2015web developmentsetup WordPress portal for Cowra agricultural machinery manufacturer
2015mobile developmentinvented elderly falls app using robotics
2015mobile developmentextended mobile salt water helper mobile app to use NSW Office of Water open data
2015web developmenthelped setup Wordpress site for local church in Caboolture
2016web developmentupgraded plugins and themes of WordPress site then migrated it to new Linux hosting (quite a big job)
2016publishingpublished and sold several copies of EPUB Bible to thousands by S Preston Walker 2005 to missionaries and ministers
2016music lessonstaught disabled violin student in Caboolture for over 1 year using neuroscience to overcome learning difficulties
2017music lessonstaught high school violin student, adult violin student and high school piano student in Caboolture for several months
2017defence softwarestarting toward tendering for combat system software development contract of Future Submarine Project via Defence contractor in Adelaide SA
2018defence softwarevisited Adelaide for Dept of Defence Future Submarine Seminar
2019music lessonstaught primary and high school violin and piano students and adult violin student in Caboolture for several months
2020music lessonstaught primary and high school violin and piano students in Caboolture for several months
2020web developmentmigrated site to WordPress on Linux hosting
2021music lessonstaught primary and high school violin and piano students and adult piano students in Caboolture and Elimbah for several months
2021defence softwarecancellation by Government of French Future Submarine Project combat system development
2022music lessonstaught primary school violin and piano students in Caboolture for briefly (COVID-19 cut back students to nil)
2023web developmentmigrated WordPress site to new Linux hosting
2023defence softwareattended seminars on AUKUS nuclear powered submarine project and Collins Class Submarine combat system maintenance
2023music lessonstaught primary school violin student in Caboolture for several months
2024defence softwaretried unsuccessfully to get contracting from AUKUS nuclear powered submarine project or Collins Class Submarine combat system maintenance
2024music lessonstaught primary school violin student in Caboolture and adult piano student in Rothwell for several months
web development181999-2007, 2009-2016, 2020, 2023
mobile development42013-2015
defence software52017-2018, 2021, 2023-2024
publishing22008, 2016
library setup32010-2012
data import12007
online IT training11998
music lessons112009-2011, 2016-2017, 2019-2024

Customers by Industry

We work with small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in the following industries:

portals and websites3256%11120
publishing and libraries712%214
technical writing35%021
Portals and Websites
Cultural and Recreation ServicesChurchhelped setup Web portal for local Caboolture churchWeb design and Web programmingWordPress, Google Docs APImoved
Cultural and Recreation ServicesCommunity Groupcommunity orchestra and choir site then open source portal for promoting concerts and recruiting new membersWeb design and Web programmingWindows Server, .NET, DotNetNuke, SQL Serverclosed
Cultural and Recreation ServicesSmall Businessbrochureware site for indexer/information specialistWeb design and Web programmingHTML, CSS, GIMPmoved
Cultural and Recreation ServicesDating AgencyCentral West NSW dating Web portal installation and maintenanceWeb design and Web programmingMySQL, PHPclosed
Cultural and Recreation ServicesSmall Secondhand Booksellersetup hosting, design Flash Website based on template and install calendar using iCal data from Mac OS X for Canberra secondhand bookshop and music cafe, setup Webdrive for PDF Newsletter and iCal updates, network troubleshooting, template editing for calendarFlash Web programming of template, iCal data cleaning and PHP software installation, custom PHP for Newsletter listing, network supportPHP, Flash, Photoshopmoved
Techical ServicesSmall Businesssetup portal for environmental consulting firm in Newcastle NSWWeb design and Web programmingWordPresslive
ManufacturingSmall Businessonline product information site for agricultural machinery manufacturerWeb designWordPressclosed
ManufacturingSmall Businessonline catalogue, ecommerce and product information site for healthfood manufacturerWeb designmoved
ManfacturingSmall Businesssmall crate manufacturer in Western Sydney industrial areaWeb designHTMLmoved
ManufacturingSmall Businessonline catalogue in many languages for skincare products manufacturerWeb designHTMLclosed
ManufacturingSmall Businessfood broker directory and members only newsletter content management system for food industry bodyWeb designWindows Server, ASP, Accessclosed
ManufacturingSmall Businesscement mixer manufacturer website including search and form mailWeb designHTML, CSS, GIMPmoved
RetailSmall Businessfine-tuned images and layout on online catalogue for trendy secondhand furniture shop in Merrylands, Western SydneyWeb designPaintShop Pro, HTMLclosed
RetailSmall Businessclassifieds Web portalWeb designMySQL, PHPclosed
RetailSmall BusinessIT product broker Web portalWeb designPHP, MySQLclosed
RetailSmall Businesssetup Google AdWords campaign for Indonesian furniture exporter's Website to increase online business to AustraliaWeb designclosed
AccommodationSmall Businessholiday promotion via major newspaper and online competition system and Website for marketing companyWeb designclosed
ConstructionSmall Businesstank repair site with Google AdWords campaign for tradesman near Dubbo NSWWeb designclosed
Computer ServicesSmall Businessbrochureware site for IT consultantWeb designclosed
Computer ServicesSmall Businesssoftware vendor's brochureware site for hair salon softwareWeb designclosed
Computer ServicesSmall BusinessSydney small business directory Web portalWeb designMySQL, PHPclosed
Computer ServicesSmall Businessonline shop, seminar schedule and newsletter for communication consultantWeb designmoved
Computer ServicesLarge Corporationas subcontractor to subcontractor to hi-tech manufacturer in a 3 week late project, reverse engineer Web portal for managing EFTPOS terminals for banks onsite with limited resources, in a short amount of time, with insufficient manpower and poor management and resolve configuration and design problems with PHP, Postgresql, Linux, CodeCharge IDE, TortoiseCVS leading to a complete write-offNetwork support PHP, Postgresql, Linux, CodeCharge IDE, TortoiseCVSclosed
Computer ServicesSmall Businesssetup eBay store for IT business in Bathurstecommerce, logisticsHTML, Pythonclosed
Government AdministrationGovernment Agencylarge online publication library with meta tags for search engines for NSW Premiers DeptWeb designFrontpageclosed
Government AdministrationLocal Governmenthuman resources Web portal for intranet for Western Sydney councilWeb designMySQL, PHPclosed
Medical and Dental ServicesProfessional Societypalliative care society web portal (Prof Maddocks awarded Senior Australian of Year 2013 (archive)) with newsletters, contacts, links, bulletin board, keyword search and members areaWeb design and Web programming, Network supportHTML, CSSmoved
Medical and Dental ServicesProfessional SocietyChristian medical society web portal with newsletters, contacts, links, bulletin board, keyword search and members areaWeb design and Web programming, Network supportPerl, PHP, MySQL, HTMLmoved
Medical and Dental ServicesProfessional Societyconference programs, pictures and online booking system for pathology societyWeb design and Web programming, Network supportHTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, WordPress (plugins, themes), IAPR Commenceclosed
Medical and Dental ServicesSmall Businessonline catalogue and members area for alternative health practitioner, 2nd site on thermal imagingWeb design and Web Programming, Network supportDNS, hosting, HTML, CSS, GIMP, PayPalmoved
Legal and Accounting ServicesSmall Businessremotely cleaning, importing and merging large amounts of patent data from raw data and Web services into central catalogue for searching on intranet of small patent search companyWeb and Database Programming, Scripting, Information Management and Network SupportPHP, MySQL, bash, awkmoved
Finance and InsuranceSmall Businesssetup portal for comparison of insurance products for insurance broker in OrangeWeb Design, Database Programming, Scripting, Information Management and Network SupportMySQL, PHPclosed
Publishing and Libraries
Cultural and Recreation ServicesPublisherindex to Australian astronomy magazineIndexingPageMakerclosed
Cultural and Recreation ServicesPublisherusing company tools and knowledge to facilitate design and implementation of translation contact and publication database on MySQL and PHP, configuration of Linux version control server and IDE for PHP developers using Subversion, Trac, TortoiseSVN and Eclipse, PC Windows Vista-XP downgrade and scanner support for Adobe for graphic designers and wiki documentation of sysop functions for Australian HQ of Christian scientific publisherWeb programming, sysop, tech support, tech documentationMySQL, PHP, Adobe Creative Suite, Windows Vista, Linux CentOS, Trac, Subversionclosed
Cultural and Recreation ServicesSelf Publisherregistered ISBN, indexed, edited into a semblance of order including removal of duplicates and creation of chapters, researched a bibliography and managed copyright for dozens of newspaper articles and printed music for a book on aboriginal missions and the Stolen Generation in West Australia and NSW being published on paper through graphic designers at a NSW printer who OCR-ed the articles, scanned images and did the layout using Mac InDesign but had ruined the editing and the now deceased author mislaid the originals but we catalogued them and organised them into a library for completion of research and bibliography using copy cataloguing over the Internet on laptop over 3G network. Organised digital image archive of WA aboriginal mission which was loaded onto common portal for better retrieval.indexing, editing, bibliographic research, copyright licensing, Web programming of indexing software, tech support for Mac InDesign for table-of-contents production, cataloguing, library consultingResourceMate, Vodafone 3G, InDesign, PHP, MySQL, scanninglive
Cultural and Recreation ServicesSelf Publisherregistered ISBN, indexed, edited and researched a bibliography Bible to thousands by S Preston Walker by publishing via MediaWiki as EPUB and doing OCR to reprint in paperindexing, editing, bibliographic research, installing Mediawiki and EPubExport and generating compatible EPUB for iOS, Android and browser EPUB Reader, image archive database of slides, OCR scanningPHP, MySQL, MediaWiki, EPUB Reader, gImageReader (OCR)live
Cultural and Recreation ServicesSmall Publisherincrease hits and information retrieval on free Australian Christian history research publications repository and Australian Christian leaders portal and webmaster of Facebook Page, X/Twitter and YouTubemeta data, subject, name and bibliography indexes, HTML tagging, site search script, tidying HTML, hosting, video streaming, social marketingHTML, Perl, Python, Joomla!, PHP, MySQLmoved
Cultural and Recreation ServicesCommunity Groupsetup library catalogue using PC software, online Web services, CueCat barcode scanner, iPhone barcode scanner mobile app and mobile catalogue synchronisation to iPhone over wifi; catalogued 1500 books and DVDs both manually and copy cataloguing over the internet to local PC and Website and trained customer how to do cataloguingsysop, tech support, cataloguing, mobile applications, Web servicesCollectorzclosed
Cultural and Recreation ServicesAssociationsetup sheet music catalogue for orchestra association libraryInformation ManagementFileMaker, Macintoshclosed
Technical Writing
Computer ServicesSmall Businesstechnical manuals for ecommerce products and online gaming servicesTechnical writingmoved
Computer ServicesSmall Businesstechnical articles and reviews for Australian and UK librarian journalsTechnical writingmoved
EducationUniversity, Publisher, Bank, Insurance, Consultantswrote up and produced HTML Web indexing and Linux training notes for US, UK, South American and Australian customersTechnical writingHTMLclosed
Cultural and Recreation ServicesTrainingupdate colour scheme and rewrite ecards in PHP and MySQL for existing online shopWeb design and Web programmingMySQL, PHPclosed
EducationPrivate Studentstaught violin and repaired and fitted violins in Orange NSW, Canberra ACT and Coorparoo QLD and violin and piano in Caboolture QLDperformance and theory of classical, folk and gospel music, violin repairs, neuroscienceviolinist, pianist, teacherlive
EducationUniversity Studentdatabase tutoringTrainingMySQLclosed
EducationSmall Businessdeveloped and presented online Web indexing and Linux courses for US, UK, Canadian and Australian indexing customers and US system programmersTrainingHTML, Skypeclosed
Medical and Dental ServicesMedicalfalls app using accelerometer to send medical alertInformation Management, Mobile and Web programmingLinux Server, PHP, MySQL, JSON, Android, Smartphone, HTML5, Javascript, HL7, Chromelive
Government AdministrationState Government Deptintegrating Queensland Translink feed for public transport location-based servicemobile applicationMySQL, PHP, REST, CSSlive
Government AdministrationState Government Deptintegrating Queensland Dept of Resources and Water NSW groundwater conductivity open data with Google Maps to map salt table for farmersmobile applicationMySQL, MariaDB, PHP, REST, CSS, C, Perl, JSON, Web services, CSV, Javascriptlive
Cultural and Recreation ServicesReligious GroupChristian university group mobile ESL multimedia application using database programming for JSON, images and audio filesInformation Management, Mobile and Web programmingLinux Server, PHP, MySQL, JSON, JPG, MP3, Visual Studio, Chromeclosed
Computer ServicesHome Usersremote network support for NAS and DNS for storage for photos and music audio and videoNetwork supportlive
Computer ServicesSmall Businessnetwork support for Web design companyNetwork supportclosed
Computer ServicesSmall Businessnetwork programming in Python for authentication integration of internet security appliance for hi-tech manufacturerNetwork supportPython, Dans Guardianclosed
Computer ServicesHome Usersvirus scanning, Skype setup, remote assistance, wireless internet consulting, broadband troubleshootingNetwork supportlive
Medical and Dental ServicesSmall Businesssetup wifi hotspot for internet access for staff in dental surgery in Orange NSWNetwork supportD-Linkclosed
Computer ServicesSmall Businessupgrading, extending and moving hosting for model agency portal with portfolios and member servicesWeb programming and network supportclosed
Computer ServicesLarge Corporationdevelopment of combat system software for Defence submarine projectreal-time systemsCclosed

NB: Any sites without a link have been redeveloped by another developer or gone bust or we don't want to give that information away.

Created: Wednesday, 3 September 1997, 14:22:52 PM
Last Updated: 8 Jul 2024 22:40

WWWalker Home Page